Sammich Sunday (with cheese)

Sandwiches... The laziest yet most creative foodstuff in the world. It's National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day, so let's celebrate the global favourite bready treat, by talking about bread and the weird shit we all fill it with.

The USA prides itself on the combination of pasted nuts, and preserved, smooshed fruit preserve. In England, a chip butty is the mainstay of every meal. Down Under, a vegetable based tar like product that you either love or hate. The Spanish like a bit of jamon and tomato. The French, various parts of amphibious animals. Germans will have a bit of human thigh, or buttock... but what do you have in yours?

Is a sandwich really a sandwich, if it has never been to a gloryhole? Have you ever used butter for lube? How can you not love Marmite? Is a roll a sandwich, or is it playing with your sense of reality?

It's peanut butter jelly time!
