WWE Backlash France Predictions


Welcome back to the Frenchiest prediction game this side of the IWC, the Outside Interference Backlash France Prediction Game. Just weeks removed from Wrestlemania and we find ourselves in France, of all places. PLE's are going international. With that said, lets get ready to duke it out for prognosticatory supremacy. FIrst off, the champions showcase:

Outside Interference Ho Bag Champions
Dong and Lurker

Outside Interference POS Champion
Ole Joe

Outside Interference Tag Team Champions
Wasp King and Otto

Outside Interference World Champion

Outside Interference World Championship Prediction Form: https://forms.gle/byhdj6efuSQB7gTd6
Outside Interference Tag Team Championship Prediction Form: https://forms.gle/se7CgBiWzqvCFexy9

There you have it, folks. The game is on again! Join us this Saturday afternoon for the Backlash France viewing party and prediction contest. It's bound to be another classic in the OI books. We'll see you then and there! Below you can find replay links to all the weeklies as well as the PLE.

